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At the tender age of 19, rapper NLE Choppa has already proven himself to be more than just an artist.
The 19-year-old rapper from Memphis was touring in London On June 27, when a girl started having a seizure during his performance.
When Choppa realized that something wasn’t right with one of his fans in the crowd he stopped the music.
Instead of continuing with his performance, Choppa stopped the music and jumped into the UK crowd when noticing that something was wrong with a fan and that he didn’t just pass out.
In a video that was uploaded on Choppa’s YouTube channel (watch the video below), he explained what happened during his performance: “We had to call the paramedics. But more than anything I just felt like my energy was what was needed in that situation.”
“I hopped off the stage and tell the people to hurry up. She possibly could have died because that was not the energy that her body needed to be received”: he said referring to the crowdy environment.
While Choppa hopped into the crowd to help the fan he realized the gravity of the situation. The fan was having a seizure!
“I just told her to grab my hand and I literally saw her having a seizure on the floor”: Choppa explained.
The rapper grabbed the girl by her hand and gave her all of his energy—and then he didn’t let go until she came back from the brink of unconsciousness.
The moment she opened her eyes and saw Choppa she said: “sorry, sorry for ruining your show.”
The rapper told the girl there was nothing to be sorry about and said: “No, you don’t ruin my show at all, you made my show better. You probably don’t know how much my energy needed to be brought to you.”
A day after the incident a fan who attended Choppa’s show tweeted: “Last night show in London Choppa stopped the show to get a fan help that had a seizure and also assisted with her care until the paramedics got there.”
The seizure victim, whose name appears to be Amber, also thanked the rapper with the following statement: “Hi, I was at the London show last night as was the girl who had the seizures. I just wanted to thank NLE and all his team for how absolutely amazing they were dealing with the situation.”
She continued: “If it wasn’t for them stopping the show and getting me help/getting my meds I have no clue what could have happened. Thank you again for caring so much and I’m really sorry for causing the show to have to stop.”
Last night show in London Choppa stopped the show to get a fan help that had a seizure and also assisted with her care until the paramedics got there. W NLE Choppa #nlechoppa pic.twitter.com/3IGHxchgzd
— Nle choppa updates (@Choppaupdates) June 28, 2022
NLE Choppa is not just an artist; he also uses his major platform to educate the next generation on how to live healthy lifestyles and choose wholesome foods. Check Choppa health store nlehealthandwellness.com.
Asked if he enjoyed his performance in London, Choppa responded: “My favorite part of my show was that that girl got up; that’s my favorite part of the show.”
Even though Choppa is just 19 years old, he already has a sizable fan base of admirers who not only appreciate his artistic skill but also his generosity and concern for others.
For someone so young, he has an incredible amount of kindness and compassion toward his fans and supporters.
“In The Uk,” Choppa’s latest drill song, has been buzzing on social media and on the radio since its release.
According to reports, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has resigned. It just so happened to be the day Choppa released his UK drill song in which he referred to him as “A NONCEEH…”
This Man Resigned Same Day I Called Him A NONCEEH, BIG DUB FOR THE UK 😂😂😂😂😂🇬🇧 “IN THE UK”! pic.twitter.com/9pJPjKBPRV
— NLE Choppa (@Nlechoppa1) July 8, 2022
Written by: Silvia Tine
Incident Memphis Music NLE Choppa Twitter
Dilemaradio is a leading platform for hip hop news and media, established in 2017. The website offers a variety of features such as a monthly hip hop music chart and a radio station featuring uncensored rap and hip hop music | Learn more.
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